Shampoo Bar

Shampoo Bar


Local, sustainable bar soap made from Livengood 100% grass-fed tallow. The intensive grazing cow herd regenerates the soil while building a prime product for your soap.

Our family enjoys the moisturizing effects of tallow as a gentle cleanser for our skin. We find these bars last longer than most and don't melt away so quickly in shower.


This shampoo bar can work for hair and skin – an all-in-one kind of bar. The combination of the varied fats used increase the lathering, making it easy to work the bar through your hair. The bentonite clay mixed throughout the bar contains nutrients like calcium, sodium, and potassium, all of which promote hair growth. The clay also helps remove dead skin cells and toxins. Peppermint invigorates the scalp, while lemongrass adds its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, making both well suited for a shampoo bar.


water, tallow, olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, sodium hydroxide, bentonite clay, essential oils (peppermint, lemongrass)