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Shop our online store anytime. Ordering deadline is Wednesday midnight prior to pick up day.
Meet us to pick up
your order the following Saturday.
Dark, leafy, nutritious spinach sleeps comfortably under the snow on the Livengood Family Farm; when collected and provided for a meal, it and other leafy greens such as collards and kale provide important vitamins and minerals. In the Autumn and Winter there are many kinds of sweet potatoes from the farm's land to pair with the greens, perhaps, as well as garlic that may be available into the early Winter. The late Summer into Autumn concord grapes are always a beautiful dessert; in Italy some children eat grapes such as the Livengoods carry to us baked into pies. The early Spring rhubarb can be made into much desired pies, too.
When I think about preparing our family’s favorite meals, I think about Livengood Family Farm because all good meals start with their meats, produce, and other offerings! We were searching for years trying to find the perfect farm to buy our food from and, because of our strictly organic and good-for-the-earth outlook, it took a long time! We are so happy with everything about Livengood Family Farm. The animals are taken care of and respected, the land is cared for and responsibly maintained, and the people are some of the most amazing you could ever hope to meet. The hard work put into everything they do shines brightly through everything you taste and use from LFF! Organic practices and standards are far exceeded here as the Livengood family respectfully, efficiently, and beautifully manages all God has given them. We have extensively tried a variety of items listed on the easy-to-use LFF ordering website. You would be hard pressed to order anything, even randomly, and not like it. With the helpful tips, tricks, and recipes sprinkled in the correspondence from LFF, trying new products is sure to be delicious. Some of our personal favorite items are the breakfast sausage (or any sausage!) and beef liver. Even our pet cat is well-fed with the Ground Turkey Pet Food and the chicken hearts and livers! What started as a “fingers crossed” attempt at finding an actually organic pastured turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner two years ago has turned into a most delicious journey accompanied by new friends - both human and animal. Thank you, Livengood Family, for all you do!
Kristin and I buy nearly all our meat from the Livengood Family Farm along with some veggies as well. After reading Pollen’s Omnivore’s Dilemma, I felt more convinced about not supporting big Eventually, we morphed into buying meat pretty much only from LFF. An epiphany came when making a Bolognese sauce for lasagna with Livengood ground beef and pork one Sunday - there was no need to run off some of the fat because the pork was nowhere near as fatty as what I had been using from that grocer chain. There’s a distinct flavor to the meats of all these grass-fed animals, and I’d say in general it’s just more intense than the commercial products most of us grew up with. I love the news in the farm’s weekly email for ordering as it gives us a small peek into what goes on at a farm. I enjoy Dwain’s answers to my farm-ignorant questions when I pick up our order at Clark Park. I know getting orders all put together is a load of extra work and I really appreciate being able to order online and swoop in for a pick-up on Saturday. The last thing to share is that the quality of LFF products is outstanding. Produce, meats, and other goods are always in great condition; you’ll never get a feeling that you’re getting anything on the edge that’s being pushed out the door.